Black Friday deals and training at the HAUS
When the turkey and mashed potatoes are in the rearview, start Black Friday at Training HAUS. Get treated like a pro with limited-time offers on Sports Chiropractic and Sports Massage, or stop in for open gym or free Adult Small Group Training.
Sports Chiropractic
Friday, Nov. 23, through Monday, Nov. 26, sign up for your first Sports Chiropractic evaluation and receive a free 60-minute follow-up.
Sports Chiropractic is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Whether you’re an athlete dealing with a nagging injury or you’re serious about achieving optimal technique and form, our soft-tissue experts take the time to understand and address your individual needs. Our team works with athletes at all levels, from professional and Olympic to collegiate and high school.
Buy now: Sports Chiropractic offer *
Sports Massage
For one day only on Friday, Nov. 23, purchase two 60-minute Sports Massage sessions and receive a third session for free. Quantities are limited, so buy now, because when they’re gone, they’re gone.
Unlike many traditional massage therapies, Sports Massage is designed specifically for athletes at all levels of competition. Our therapists work alongside physical therapists and performance coaches to tailor every massage to your individual needs. Whether you’re seeking to alleviate muscle tension and stiffness, or aid in recovery and rehabilitation, Sports Massage is a perfect complement to your training routine.
Note: Sports Massage sessions may be used separately and given as gifts this holiday season. Sessions must be redeemed within six months of purchase.
Buy now: Sports Massage offer *
* Disclaimer: Offer live beginning Friday, Nov. 23.
Running through crowded stores on Black Friday not your thing? Cool. Then run with us instead.
Free Small Group Training
Current Small Group training athletes – come work out at 8:30 AM Friday, Nov. 23. This training session will be run as usual by a HAUS strength coach following your current HAUS workout plan.
RSVP: Space is limited to 15 athletes, so RSVP online to claim your spot.
Free Adult Athletic Performance Training
Adults, especially parents of current Training HAUS athletes, are invited to free Adult Small Group Training sessions on Friday, Nov. 23. Classes are at 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM.
Our coaches will teach proper movement patterns, emphasizing correct posture during strength training. All are welcome, so if you’ve never worked out at Training HAUS before, here’s your shot. Parents, join us while your kids are in open gym – it’s definitely better than shopping.
RSVP: Space is limited to 15 adults, so RSVP online to claim your spot.
*New athletes are required to sign a waiver prior to participating. Classes are for healthy adults without existing medical conditions.
Free Open Gym
Free open gym is open to current Training HAUS athletes from 9:30-11 AM on Friday, Nov. 23. Performance coaches will be overseeing the open gym session, but athletes are encouraged to work on their programs independently
RSVP: Space is limited to 20 athletes, so RSVP online to claim your spot.