3 Reasons Your Body Needs a Massage - Training HAUS

3 Reasons Your Body Needs a Massage

Massage can be therapeutic, but its benefits are far greater than rest and relaxation. By manually manipulating tissue, massage can alleviate pain, stimulate the nervous system, and support your everyday movements to improve your quality of life.

Here are three key reasons why you should get a massage today:


1. Relieves Tension in Muscles

Muscle tension can come from a wide variety of sources (injuries, overuse, stress, poor posture, anxiety), and when it starts, it’s difficult for our brains to focus on anything else. Whether you are feeling stiff from a desk job or recovering from an ACL tear, massage not only relieves muscle tension but also attacks some of the neurological issues causing the tension in the first place. Massage uses friction and pressure to manually release stuck fascia, tight muscle fibers, and built-up scar tissue, allowing for increased range of motion and decreased pain.


2. Promotes Blood and Lymph Flow

Blood is essential for rebuilding and repairing our bodies. Lymph fluid also plays a role in recovery by carrying waste out of our bodies. Swelling, tightness, pain, and tension can decrease the flow of blood and lymph fluid to the areas that need it most, hindering recovery. Through massage, we manually create and release pressure, moving blood and lymph fluid throughout the body. Opening blockages and allowing new blood and lymph to flow throughout congested areas can help areas of pain by stimulating the healing process.


3. Supports Workouts and/or Rehabilitation Routines

Recovering from setbacks such as surgery or overuse can be a grueling journey. Integrating therapeutic massage into your routine can reduce pain while you work hard to get back to doing what you love. As an added bonus, massages at Training HAUS work in collaboration with your Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers for a holistic approach. Their input creates a recovery plan focused on loosening overworked and tight muscles or activating underused areas of the body.


No matter your lifestyle, massage benefits everyone from high school athletes to office workers. Massage can pair with your current workouts or complement rehabilitation to reduce pain, allowing you to perform at your best.

Click here to schedule a massage and experience the difference for yourself.


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